11 September 2016


YES TRUE LOVE does exist but can only happen between
a *spirit/soul* & *the Divine supersoul*
the only Love which makes sense

it is for something greater than yourself
something perfect
a Love which can actually make one transcend
all the evil of this plane
the only Love
which makes one Evolve
i.e do what Love is supposed to do

in ALL other relationships one
is not really loving but just expecting someone
to behave the way they want them to behave

this training in fact doesn't allow beings to
even Love the *absolute* perfectly because
they are so used to their own constructs
being fulfilled by someone else

the TRUTH is/was/will be that only
the perfect being CAN
be loved perfectly and only that love
can lead one to perfection within

rest is just a timepass with ever-rising stakes ...

to love someone 

means that

you want the best for them

and the best that can happen
is that they evolve

from their current state

to want evolution of

is loving them

to want evolution of everyone

is loving everyone

the real spelling of evolve 



absolute connection to 



Divine will always be first and foremost at clarifying Love !!

these are excerPTs from a more comprehensive treatise FOUND HERE